
Showing posts with the label reptile food

Making and Maintaining a White Worm Culture for Small Pets

 Tropical fish, crayfish, amphibians and reptiles all eagerly eat white worms, a small worm that lives in dirt. White worms (Enchytraeus albidus) are easy to culture. They are a great food for young fish and small adults. When placed in water, they wiggle which makes them irresistible to most critters. They grow to about an inch (2.5cm) long. Baby worms can be fed to tiny fish. Large clumps to larger fish and animals. Materials:  a plastic container with a tight-fitting lid. 6L "shoe box" type works great. soil (no fertilizer added) organic mix of soil and peat, pH around 7 a slice of white bread (or dog kibble) heaping tablespoon of plain active yogurt plastic lid from a yogurt or margarine container hand-held drill or dremel with tiny drill bit (1/16 of an inch) debittered brewer's yeast powder or powered kelp a starter culture of white worms 1. Wash your container with hot soapy water. Rinse. Let dry.  2. On each side of the container lid, drill at least 40 small holes